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Some thoughts by our goblin reviewer on Dream Theatre and the genre that bothers the editor of this site.

★★★★★ Pop music discovering its most visceral and confrontational side in 2-3 minute odes of nihilism inspired by daily boredom and post teenage anger.

★★★★☆ Thurston Moore is one of those musicians who treat a guitar like an appliance of primitive and unconventional noise.

Despite Motörhead having been on the road for almost 40 years, it is still an unbeatable gear of filth and boisterous noise…

★★★★☆ ‘Body Betrays Itself’ is not an anarcha-feminist attack on the global patriarchal order.It is an example of visceral expatriation as means of metaphysical exploration […]

★★★★☆ It is audaciously psychedelic and sonically estranged. It is hypnotic almost to the point of being repetitive, but only almost! […]

★★★★☆ An entirely instrumental record full of slow, deep echoey rhythm and somber piano melodies […]

★★★☆☆ incredibly melodically driven, solid instrumental tightness, musicality, and, above all, an ear for the ear-worm […]

★★★1/2☆ An attempt by those who have experienced alternative states of consciousness to communicate their psychic explorations without relying solely on linguistics…Like time-travelling shoe salesmen in close proximity to unearthing universal truths, White Manna show you something else […]

★★★★☆ Although many bands channel retro sounds as a cynical marketing tool, Kobadelta have dived deep into the cold waters of a gothic-psychedelic darkness and returned to the surface clutching a black and shimmering musical pearl […]