Morrissey – Autobiografía: Familia, la carne, religión, sexualidad y soledad (Citas)

Morrissey – Autobiografía: Familia, la carne, religión, sexualidad y soledad

Morrissey, finalmente y después de años de espera y especulación, decidió publicar sus vivencias en un libro que, desde su lanzamiento y como es costumbre con el prodigio de Manchester, causó polémica al ser publicado por la editorial Penguin en su sección de clásicos donde se encuentran únicamente monstruos como Joyce y Dickens. Así es como este es el primer libro contemporáneo que Penguin Classics publica como un clásico instantáneo.

Más allá de su obsesión con Shelagh Delaney, James Dean y una infinidad de celebridades, su odio hacia la monarquía inglesa, su repudio al Thatcherismo, la muerte de varios miembros de su familia y su amistad con James Maker y Linder Sterling, aquí un resumen en palabras de Morrissey sobre lo que disparó su genio y que más tarde, cristalizaría en arte con The Smiths. 


 “family life is chaotic and full of primitive drama as everything is felt intensely. There are no electronic distractions and all human endeavor takes place face to face”

“there is only ever a sense of change and of slipping away, but never a sense of security or stability”

“my parents are neither friends nor lovers to one another, and nothing in our lives is tidy or designed”


SU PADRE: una piedra en el zapato


“As I approach him, he says ‘ you didn´t win’, and he looks away, and life decomposes in a bucket”


EL TÍO ERNIE: su primera gran influencia y el que lo acercó a James Dean


“Ernie was my true uncle…In one photograph, he cuts a warm figure as he holds up a picture of James Dean. Ernie would prophesize how he, like James Dean, would die at 25, which he did, in the year that his favorite song, All over the world by Francoise Hardy, crept into the charts”

“a harmonica in a box scrawled with Ernie´s handwriting my eternal possession once he is no more” 



“Putrid smells reduce me to a pitiful pile, and none are more vomitarian than school dinners”

“fish cooked or uncooked causes gut-wrenching panic”

“once the dinner vans arrive, the scool corridors are polluted by floating venomous toxins, unbearable to inhale so surely deadly to consume, and by the late afternoon the leftovers will splodge and stink and spill and surge from huge bins awaiting collection”

“we are decades away from food awareness or any consideration of animal compassion”



“Imprisoned in her own clothes” (monjas)

“the post-volcanic black worn by the school nuns and their monastic sheepish priests shapes the subtle effects of oppression; they know their time has gone, and the spinster-faced have seen the door close for the last time. Before them, a new race of youth with their lives yet to be lived, and the contrast between time gone and time to come burns dangerously”

“Catholicism has you tracked and trailed for life with an overwhelming sense of self-doubt, and every churns with painful pews and mourners´stalls” 


SEXUALIDAD, REBELDÍA Y SOLEDAD: Un portal de ambigüedad

“unspoken truth: effeminate men are very witty, whereas macho men are duller than death”

“Jerry Nolan on the front of the Dolls debut album is the first woman I ever fall in love with; the hussy-slut positioning of the legs is playmate call-girl and the pink drum kit just might be a rock n´roll first. When had drummers ever looked this way and played so hard?”

“what had girls to offer? Nothing but a mangled jungle of tangled hair presented as the jackpot payoff”

 “the lonely season was best”

“female nudity is generally easy to find – if not actually unavoidable – but male nudity is still a glimpse of something that one is not meant to see.

“In mid 70s Manchester there must be obsessive love of vagina, otherwise your life dooms itself forever”

“I ask myself if there is an irresponsible aspect in relaying thoughts of pain as inspiration”

“Partial disclosures of male closeness fascinate me, because it´s something that is nowhere in the life around me”

“Male beauty was Mick Ronson or Jerry Nolan , and any man wearing makeup rang all the right bells”

“I am beginning to give insanity a bad name”

“I ask myself if there is an irresponsible aspect in relaying thoughts of pain as inspiration”

“I cannot continue as a member of the audience”

“ I would never again assume that any figure of authority automatically held any intellectual distinction. I am unafraid”

“At 21, penniless in a world of plausible excuses, I am alone with my goals. These difficult years, and if anything loving lay ahead I was already paying a large enough price. At my lowest in these years of signing on, I do not fit in anywhere with the family philosophy, and these days set the tempo of the times – even for the days when the sun re-enters the room”


Citas obtenidas de: Morrissey. Autobiography. London: Penguin Classics, 2013

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