Three Days Dark: “Art beyond the vagaries of fashion”
Meet Trent Halliday, ex-member of the extinct London-based garage band, Deep Sea Green and Three Days Dark´s commander in chief, a guitar-oriented solo project that relies comfortably on 60´s psychedelia overlapped with dirty thick layers of blues, tons of reverbs, fuzz and garagesque madness that work out as evocative landscapes through the pure and classic essence of rock ‘n’ roll.
Interpol @ Brixton Academy, Londres
Interpol @ Brixton Academy, Londres Alejandro De Luna Foto: Carolina Faruolo for DIY ‘But each night, I bury my love around you…’, se desgarra el baritono de Paul Banks en “Say hello to the angels”, un clásico de su impecable debut de 2002 y tema que abre la noche en Brixton Academy, ese legendario recinto en …