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★★★★☆ Pop songs with intricate arrangements, unusual sounds creating lush soundscapes and twisted rhythms along with a soothing, soft singing voice concentrating on themes of love, desire and breakup […]

★★★ propagating electronic malady over guitar-orientated machismo while North Korean school girls in the audience, free in their conformity, dance in unison; flying red handkerchiefs; mourning the dead […]

★★★★ allusions to a mutant cockroach oligarchy, ruling a post-Ballardian netherworld where a binary-programmed slave drum orchestrates the working day […]

★★★½ Experimental pop with a dark atmosphere, deep, echoey production, lots of piano, somber sounding acoustic guitars and all kinds of strange shimmering keyboards […]

What is outstanding about Nisennenmondai is that they could easily bring a show suitable for all those ecstasy-fuelled addicts, but also a disturbing experience that could easily jeopardize Sonic Youth´s walls of noise and drone […]

Meet these wackos. They call themselves, The Chewers, a duo coming from the desolated streets of West Virginia that bring dissonance, cacophony and madness to your […]

The albums theme? Isolation. All songs provide the feeling of being not quite part of this world, something that Peter Gabriel could always handle. A strange, extremely dark, yet deeply exotic and colourful album […]

Probably the most controversial review of this classic that you will ever read […]

Frank Zappa surely was one of the greatest musicians on the planet. But to hell of it, there are more “greatest musicians ever” than I could ever count, and that will not make a big impression on you. More important, this dude was simply the craziest and most unpredictable, sometimes disturbing dude that the music scene had to offer.